keyword: European studies – 15 free books.
These books are available in PDF format - good for desktops, printing.
Periodization in the Art Historiographies of Central and Eastern Europe
Shona Kallestrup et al. (editors)
Niederlande- und Belgienforschung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Ilona Riek and Friso Wielenga
Christian Lahusen et al. (editors)
The gays’ and lesbians’ rights in an enlarged European Union
Daniel Borrillo et al.
La confiance mutuelle dans l'espace pénal européen/Mutual Trust in the European Criminal Area
Franco Frattini et al.
Suvi Keskinen et al. (editors)
Rape in the Nordic Countries : Continuity and Change, 1st Edition
Marie Bruvik Heinskou et al. (editors)
Regional and Local Development in Times of Polarisation: Re-thinking Spatial Policies in Europe
Thilo Lang and Franziska Görmar, editors