keyword: Evolution – 102 free books.
These books are available in EPUB format - good for Kindle, iBooks, Nook, Kobo.
The Creator, and what we may know of the method of creation
W. H. (William Henry) Dallinger
Evolution and Functional Mechanisms of Plant Disease Resistance
Jia-Yu Xue et al. (editors)
Death and Decomposition in Aquatic Ecosystems
M. Eric Benbow and Gary A. Lamberti, editors
Amoebae as Host Models to Study the Interaction with Pathogens
Sascha Thewes et al. (editors)
Adult Neurogenesis: Beyond Rats and Mice
Luca Bonfanti and Irmgard Amrein, editors
Orchid Genomics and Developmental Biology
Jen-Tsung Chen and Katharina Nargar, editors
The Origin of Plant Chemodiversity - Conceptual and Empirical Insights
Kazuki Saito (editor)