keyword: Genetic algorithms – 22 free books.
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Flow Control, Active and Passive Applications
Josep Maria Bergadà and Gabriel Bugeda Castelltort, editors
Automation, Operation and Maintenance of Control and Communication Systems
Piotr Szymak et al. (editors)
Carmen Lacave and Ana Isabel Molina, editors
Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing: Recent Applications
Kóczy László and István A. Harmati, editors
Robust Design Optimization of Electrical Machines and Devices
Tamás Orosz et al. (editors)
Smart Energy and Intelligent Transportation Systems
Albert Y.S. Lam et al. (editors)
Advanced Modeling and Research in Hybrid Microgrid Control and Optimization
Nicu Bizon (editor)
Computational Intelligence in Healthcare
Giovanna Castellano and Gabriella Casalino, editors
Digital Signal, Image and Video Processing for Emerging Multimedia Technology
Byung-Gyu Kim (editor)