

keyword: Heritage tourism – 4 free books.

doab These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.

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Conservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage in Kenya

Anne-Marie Deisser and Mugwima Njuguna, editors

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Anne-Marie Deisser and Mugwima Njuguna, editors

Material Culture and Religion: Perspectives over Time

Fátima Matos Silva et al. (editors)

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Fátima Matos Silva et al. (editors)

War as Entertainment and Contents Tourism in Japan

Takayoshi Yamamura and Philip Seaton, editors

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Takayoshi Yamamura and Philip Seaton, editors

World Heritage and Climate Change

Chiara Bertolin and Jim Perry, editors

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Chiara Bertolin and Jim Perry, editors