keyword: History – 28 free books.
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Geschichtsschreibung in der Emigration
Birte Meinschien (Author) and German Historical Institute London (editor)
Matthias Oppermann (Author) and German Historical Institute (editor)
Julia Crispin (Author) and German Historical Institute London (editor)
Der Steinkohlenbergbau in Boom und Krise nach 1945
Lars / Czierpka Bluma (editor)
Revolutionserinnerung in der Frühen Neuzeit
Ulrich Niggemann (Author) and German Historical Institute London (editor)
Jüdinnen in der frühen italienischen Frauenbewegung (1861–1945)
Ruth Nattermann
Materielle Kulturen des Bergbaus | Material Cultures of Mining
Michael / Siemer Farrenkopf (editor)
Martina Steber (Author) and German Historical Institute London (editor)
Sandra Maß (Author) and German Historical Institute London (editor)