keyword: Human geography – 302 free books.
These books are not included in Project Gutenberg.
Land-Use Modelling in Planning Practice
Eric Koomen and Judith Borsboom-van Beurden
The Power of Energy Justice & the Social Contract
Raphael J. Heffron and Louis de Fontenelle, editors
African Perspectives on South–South Migration
Meron Zeleke and Lahra Smith, editors
CyberPlaces - Philosophische Annäherungen an den virtuellen Ort
Tobias Holischka
The Changing Tide of Immigration and Emigration During the Last Three Centuries
Ingrid Muenstermann (editor)
Regional Policy in the Southern African Development Community
J. Ernst Drewes and Mariske van Aswegen, editors
Geographical Research in the Digital Humanities
Finn Dammann and Dominik Kremer, editors