keyword: Humanism – 43 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
Theism in the Language of Humanism: Reincarnations of the Transcendent God in the Secular Subject
Ronen Pinkas and Elad Lapidot, editors
Virtù et Servitù : Bernardo Tasso ou les tribulations d’un humaniste du XVIe siècle
Dominique FRATANI
Humanistic Governance in Democratic Organizations
Sonja Novković et al. (editors)
Humanistic Approaches to Medical Practice
Beatrice Gabriela Ioan and Magdalena Iorga, editors
Birth and Death: Studying Ritual, Embodied Practices and Spirituality at the Start and End of Life
Joanna Wojtkowiak and Brenda Mathijssen, editors
Mettre la ville en atlas, des productions humanistes aux humanités digitales
Sylvain Schoonbaert et al. (editors)
Fabrique du scandale et rivalités mémorielles en France et en Europe (1550-1697)
Enrica Zanin et al. (editors)
Carine Roudière-Sébastien (editor)
Istorietta troiana con le Eroidi gaddiane glossate
Alfonso D'Agostino and Luca Barbieri, editors