keyword: Journalism – 90 free books.
A Field Guide to “Fake News” and Other Information Disorders
Liliana Bounegru et al. (editors)
Media Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Michelle Ferrier and Elizabeth Mays, editors
California and the Melancholic American Identity in Joan Didion’s Novels
Katarzyna Nowak McNeice
Tropami retoryki, stylistyki i dziennikarstwa. Tom dedykowany Profesor Barbarze Bogołębskiej
Monika Worsowicz and Bogumiła Fiołek-Lubczyńska, editors
The Multiple lives of Jacob Israël de Haan
Karène Sanchez Summerer et al. (editors)
Journalist Safety and Self-Censorship (Edition 1)
Ingrid Fadnes et al. (editors)
Authoritarian Populism and the Challenges for News Journalism
Mats Ekström and Marianna Patrona
Journalism as the Fourth Emergency Service
Lisa Bradley and Emma Heywood, editors