keyword: Language Education – 13 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
Language Education, Politics and Technology in South Asia
Uma Pradhan and Mohini Gupta, editors
Multilingual Assessment – Finding the Nexus?
Karin Vogt and Bassey Edem Antia, editors
Prospettive discorsive e di educazione linguistica internazionale
Natasha Leal Rivas (editor)
Competenza lessicale e apprendimento dell’Italiano L2
Elisabetta Jafrancesco and Matteo La Grassa, editors
Innovation on Education and Social Sciences
Irena Yolanita Maureen et al. (editors)
Multimodal Texts in Disciplinary Education
Kristina Danielsson and Staffan Selander