keyword: Language teaching & learning (other than ELT) – 73 free books.
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"Das Zeitlose ist von kürzester Dauer"
Arthur Schnitzler (Author) and Martin Anton Müller (editor)
New Materialist Explorations into Language Education
Johanna Ennser-Kananen and Taina Saarinen, editors
Competenza lessicale e apprendimento dell’Italiano L2
Elisabetta Jafrancesco and Matteo La Grassa, editors
Vorrei. Corso di lingua italiana di livello elementare 1 e 2
Serena Baldini and David Marini
Journeys Towards Intercultural Capability in Language Classrooms
Martin East et al.
Competing, cooperating, deciding: towards a model of deliberative debate
ADELINO CATTANI and Bruno Mastroianni, editors
Studi per l'insegnamento delle lingue europee
Scott Staton and María Carlota Nicolás Martínez, editors