

keyword: Latin language -- Readers – 6 free books.

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Robinson Crusoëus

Joachim Heinrich Campe and Daniel Defoe

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Joachim Heinrich Campe and Daniel Defoe

Mons Spes, et novellæ aliæ

Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton, Baron et al.

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Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton, Baron et al.

Stories from Aulus Gellius Being Selections And Adaptations From The Noctes Atticae

G. Herbert (George Herbert) Nall (editor) and Aulus Gellius (Author)

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G. Herbert (George Herbert) Nall (editor) and Aulus Gellius (Author)

The Gate to Cæsar

William C. (William Coe) Collar (editor) and Julius Caesar (Author)

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William C. (William Coe) Collar (editor) and Julius Caesar (Author)