keyword: Materials – 38 free books.
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Florent Comte and Hernan Gonzalez Bordas, editors
New Approaches and Technologies in Orthodontics
Letizia Perillo et al. (editors)
Chemical Mechanical Planarization in IC Device Manufacturing III
Robert Leon Opila
Eco-Friendly Materials for Civil Construction
Carlos Maurício Fontes Vieira et al. (editors)
Modification of Hydrogels and Their Applications in Biomedical Engineering
Yanen Wang and Qinghua Wei, editors
Micro/Nanophotonic Devices in Europe
Luigi Sirleto and Giancarlo C. Righini, editors
Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials II
Jesús-María García-Martínez and Emilia P. Collar, editors
The Role of Fungi in Biodeterioration of Cultural Heritage: New Insights for Their Control
Filomena De Leo and Daniela Isola, editors