keyword: Multilevel governance – 13 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
The Forum of Federations Handbook on Local Government in Federal Systems
Nico Steytler (editor)
Reducing Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants
Yulia Yamineva et al. (editors)
Antonio Sianes and Luis A. Fernández-Portillo, editors
Advances in Transboundary Aquifer Assessment
Sharon B. Megdal and Anne-Marie Matherne, editors
Francisco Manzano Agugliaro and Alberto Jesús Perea Moreno, editors
Flood Risk Governance for More Resilience
Piotr Matczak and Dries Hegger, editors
Participatory Research and Planning in Practice
Janez Nared and David Bole, editors
Geographies of Asylum in Europe and the Role of European Localities
Birgit Glorius and Jeroen Doomernik, editors
Taking the EU to Court: Annulment Proceedings and Multilevel Judicial Conflict
Christian Adam et al.