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Application of Power Electronics Converters in Smart Grids and Renewable Energy Systems
Irfan Ahmad Khan and S. M. Muyeen, editors
Advances in Agricultural Engineering Technologies and Application
Muhammad Sultan et al. (editors)
Advances in Agricultural Engineering Technologies and Application
Muhammad Sultan et al. (editors)
Blast and Impact Engineering on Structures and Materials
Ricardo Castedo et al. (editors)
Advances in Fractional Differential Operators and Their Applications
Angelo B. Mingarelli et al. (editors)
Petroleum Engineering in Oil and Gas Production: Advances in Theory and Operation
Xingguang Xu et al. (editors)
Shaofeng Wang et al. (editors)
Fast Non-destructive Detection Technology and Equipment for Food Quality and Safety
Zhiming Guo et al. (editors)
Droplet-Based Microfluidics: Design, Fabrication and Applications
Pingan Zhu (editor)
Flow Control, Active and Passive Applications
Josep Maria Bergadà and Gabriel Bugeda Castelltort, editors
Optimization and Flow Characteristics in Advanced Fluid Machinery
Chuan Wang et al. (editors)
Automation, Operation and Maintenance of Control and Communication Systems
Piotr Szymak et al. (editors)
Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites: Mechanical Properties and Applications
R.A. Ilyas et al. (editors)
Computational Methods and Applications for Numerical Analysis
Fajie Wang and Ji Lin, editors