keyword: Organization & management of education – 36 free books.
These books are available in EPUB format - good for Kindle, iBooks, Nook, Kobo.
Improving Learning Through Assessment Rubrics
Chahna Gonsalves and Jayne Pearson
Los refugiados españoles y la cultura mexicana
sobre los Refugiados Españoles y la Cultura Mexicana, Jornadas
Programas de docencia en población en América Latina
Programa Latinoamericano de Actividades en Población
The Challenges of Minoritized Contingent Faculty in Higher Education
Edna Chun and Alvin Evans
Learning Analytics: a Metacognitive Tool to Engage Students
Airina Volungevičienė
Evidence-Based School Development in Changing Demographic Contexts
Rose M. Ylimaki and Lynnette A. Brunderman, editors
Fernando M. Reimers and Francisco J. Marmolejo, editors