keyword: Pharmacy – 18 free books.
All these books are free to read: either they're distributed with a free license, or they're in the public domain.
Folia Pharmaceutica Universitatis Carolinae
Veronika Opletalová and Tomáš Vojtíšek, editors
Antimicrobial Prescribing and Stewardship, 2nd Volume
Diane Ashiru-Oredope (editor)
Food Supplements and Functional Foods Assessment for Health and Nutrition
Laura Domínguez Díaz et al. (editors)
Antimicrobial Prescribing and Stewardship, 1st Volume
Diane Ashiru-Oredope (editor)
Embedded Pharmacists in Primary Care
PhD MacKinnon III and PharmD Lamberton, editors
Pharmacologia Fourth American, from the Seventh London Edition
John Ayrton Paris
Communication in Pharmacy Practice
Susanne Kaae and Sofia Kälvemark Sporrong, editors
Competences for Pharmacy Education and Practice in Europe
Jeffrey Atkinson (editor)
Das Blaue Buch: Chemotherapie-Manual Hämatologie und Onkologie
Monika Engelhardt et al. (editors)