keyword: Political structures: democracy – 145 free books.
Politicizing Digital Space: Theory, the Internet, and Renewing Democracy
Trevor Garrison Smith
Female Body Image and Beauty Politics in Contemporary Indian Literature and Culture
Srirupa Chatterjee and Shweta Rao Garg, editors
Political Behaviour in Contemporary Finland
Åsa von Schoultz and Kim Strandberg, editors
Transición democrática y anomia social en perspectiva comparada
Walther L. Bernecker
Participatory Democratic Innovations in Southeast Europe
Irena Fiket et al. (editors)
State Institutions, Civic Associations, and Identity Demands
Amy H. Liu and Joel Sawat Selway, editors
Dictatorship, Democracy, and Transitional Justice in Global Legal History
Ignacio Czeguhn et al. (editors)