keyword: Population Dynamics – 16 free books.
Corn Rootworm: Biology, Ecology, Behavior and Integrated Management
Lance J. Meinke and Joseph L. Spencer, editors
Dimitris Skalkos (editor)
Statistical Physics and Its Applications in Economics and Social Sciences
José Roberto Iglesias (editor)
Dynamics of Urbanization and Ecosystem Services Provision
Luca Congedo et al. (editors)
Natália Martins et al. (editors)
Selected Papers from the 1st International Electronic Conference on Entomology
Nickolas G. Kavallieratos (editor)
How to Manage Migratory Pests and Potential Food Crises
Michel Lecoq and Arianne Cease, editors
Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems
Federico Papa and Carmela Sinisgalli, editors
Unifying Ecology Across Scales: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities
Mary I. O’Connor et al. (editors)
The Demography of Disasters: Impacts for Population and Place
Dávid Karácsonyi et al. (editors)
Dynamics Days Latin America and the Caribbean 2018
Nicolás Rubido and Arturo C. Martí
New Trends in Differential and Difference Equations and Applications
Feliz Manuel Minhós and João Fialho