keyword: Public Health – 36 free books.
These books are available in EPUB format - good for Kindle, iBooks, Nook, Kobo.
Principles and Practice of Emergency Research Response
Robert A. Sorenson (editor)
Contagion, Technology, and Law at the Limits
Lynette J Chua and Jack Jin Gary Lee, editors
First Nations Australian Theatre for Health Equity
Sarah Woodland and Kamarra Bell-Wykes
Social Science Perspectives on Global Public Health
Vincent La Placa and Julia Morgan, editors
Simon R. Rüegg et al. (editors)
Cancer Epidemiology in China: What We Have Learnt So Far?
Jianguang Ji et al. (editors)
The Use of Routine Health Data in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Jim Todd and Michael Johnson Mahande (editor)
Perspectives and Theories of Social Innovation for Ageing Population
Andrzej Klimczuk and Łukasz Tomczyk, editors
Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos
Amelie G. Ramirez and Edward J. Trapido, editors
Biodiversity and Health in the Face of Climate Change
Melissa R. Marselle et al. (editors)