keyword: Public Health – 218 free books.
These books are available in PDF format - good for desktops, printing.
The Perils of Peace: The Public Health Crisis in Occupied Germany
Jessica Reinisch
Media and Propaganda in an Age of Disinformation
Nelson Ribeiro and Barbie Zelizer, editors
Alkoholhelyzet Magyarországon. Tények, adatok, elemzések
Zsuzsanna Elekes (editor)
Principles and Practice of Emergency Research Response
Robert A. Sorenson (editor)
“Cultures of Airborne Diseases”, Special Issue of Open Cultural Studies
Tatiana Konrad and Savannah Schaufler, editors
First Nations Australian Theatre for Health Equity
Sarah Woodland and Kamarra Bell-Wykes
Occupational Health in the Construction Industry
Mariusz Szóstak and Marek Sawicki, editors