keyword: Regenerative Medicine – 33 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
Recent Process Design and Development Strategies for Dental Materials
Mary Anne Melo (editor)
Bioceramics, Bioglasses and Gels for Tissue Engineering
Arish Dasan and Ashokraja Chandrasekar, editors
Atopic Dermatitis: Research and Clinical Updates and Perspectives
Stamatis Gregoriou (editor)
Possibilities and Limitations in Current Translational Stem Cell Research
Diana Kitala (editor)
Immunohistochemical and Physiological Research on Farm Animals
Paola Scocco et al. (editors)
Advanced Materials for Oral Application
Laura-Cristina Rusu and Lavinia Cosmina Ardelean, editors
Cells and Materials for Disease Modeling and Regenerative Medicine
Ander Abarrategi and Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez, editors
Synthesis and Characterization of Biomedical Materials
Leszek Adam Dobrzański et al. (editors)
Understanding and Modulating Bone and Cartilage Cell Fate for Regenerative Medicine
Roberto Narcisi and Eric Farrell, editors
Exploring the Frontiers of Regenerative Cardiovascular Medicine
Joshua D. Hutcheson et al. (editors)
Nanotechnology in Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine
Wuqiang Zhu et al. (editors)