keyword: Research & information: general – 2123 free books.
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Jan Oszmianski and Sabina Lachowicz-Wiśniewska, editors
Applied Mathematics and Fractional Calculus II
Francisco Martínez González and Mohammed K. A. Kaabar, editors
Sustainable Shared Mobility: Current Status and Future Prospects
Katarzyna Turoń (editor)
Theory and Observation of Active B-type Stars
Lydia Sonia Cidale et al. (editors)
GNSS-R Earth Remote Sensing from SmallSats
Hugo Carreno-Luengo and Chun-Liang Lin, editors
Atmospheric Boundary Layer Processes, Characteristics and Parameterization
Yubin Li and Jie Tang, editors
Future Perspectives in Nanostructured Materials Preparation, Characteristics and Applications
Thomas Dippong (editor)
Biological Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation, Biomolecular Condensates, and Membraneless Organelles
Vladimir N. Uversky (editor)
Numerical Methods for Solving Nonlinear Equations
Maria Isabel Berenguer and Manuel Ruiz Galán, editors
Reactive Sulfur Species in Biology and Medicine
John Toscano and Vinayak Khodade, editors
Dietary Patterns and Nutrient Intake in Pregnant Women
Louise Brough and Gail Rees, editors
'Eyes', 'Brain', 'Feet' and 'Hands' of Efficient Harvesting Machinery
Cheng Shen et al. (editors)
Functionalized Gels for Environmental Applications
Luca Burratti et al. (editors)
Zhigang Zeng et al. (editors)
Polymer Materials for Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering
Ariana Hudita and Bianca Gǎlǎţeanu, editors
Economic and Societal Losses Due to Environmental Impacts on Forestry Productivity
Noriko Sato and Tetsuhiko Yoshimura, editors
Molecular Research for Cereal Grain Quality
Jinsong Bao and Jianhong Xu, editors