keyword: Scattering – 17 free books.
These books are available in PDF format - good for desktops, printing.
Fast Non-destructive Detection Technology and Equipment for Food Quality and Safety
Zhiming Guo et al. (editors)
Advances in the Physics of Stars - in Memory of Prof. Yuri N. Gnedin
Nazar R. Ikhsanov et al. (editors)
Advances in Sensors and Sensing for Technical Condition Assessment and NDT
Tomasz Boczar et al. (editors)
New Horizons in Time-Domain Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy and Imaging
Yoko Hoshi (editor)
Electromagnetic Wave Scattering by Aerial and Ground Radar Objects
Oleg I. Sukharevsky
Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics and Related Topics
Milan S. Dimitrijević and Luka Č. Popović
Eleventh International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications
James F. Babb and Nancy Brickhouse
Diffraction and Scattering in Launchers of Quasi-Optical Mode Converters for Gyrotrons
Jens Hanspeter Flamm