keyword: Slavic (Slavonic) languages – 119 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
Поэма Пушкина “Братья разбойники” = Pushkin’s poem “The Robber Brothers”
Tatjana Stepaništševa and Tatyana Stepanishcheva
Contributions to Baltic-Slavonic Relations in Literature and Languages
Stephan Kessler (editor)
Pravopisne kategorije ePravopisa 2018
Helena Dobrovoljc and Aleksandra Bizjak Končar, editors
Odprta okna – komparativistika in prevajalstvo
Darko Dolinar and Martina Ožbot, editors
Sodobni pravopisni priročnik med normo in predpisom
Helena Dobrovoljc and Nataša Jakop