keyword: Social networks – 69 free books.
These books are not included in Project Gutenberg.
Application of Artificial Intelligence Methods in Processing of Emotions, Decisions and Opinions
Pawel Dybala et al. (editors)
Violences en ligne : décrypter les mécanismes du cyberharcèlement
Marlene Dulaurans
Anton Kholodov et al. (editors)
Philippe Mathieu et al. (editors)
Online marketingová komunikace cílící na děti školního věku
Jitka Burešová et al.
Security and Privacy for Modern Wireless Communication Systems
Tao Huang et al. (editors)
Sustainable Agricultural Development Economics and Policy
Aaron K. Hoshide (editor)
Social and Intellectual Networking in the Early Middle Ages
Michael Kelly and K. Patrick Fazioli, editors