keyword: Sustainable Energy – 22 free books.
Aligning the Energy Transition with the Sustainable Development Goals
Maryse Labriet et al. (editors)
Community Energy and Sustainable Energy Transitions
Vanesa Castán Broto (editor)
Sustainable Supply Chains in Industrial Engineering and Management
Conghu Liu et al. (editors)
Energy Transition and Environmental Sustainability
Prafula Pearce and Tina Soliman Hunter, editors
Digitisation and Low-Carbon Energy Transitions
Siddharth Sareen and Katja Müller
Energy Supply within Sustainable Agricultural Production: Challenges, Policies and Mechanisms
Piotr Gradziuk et al. (editors)
Recycling and Resource Recovery from Polymers
Sheila Devasahayam et al. (editors)
Resource Provision of the Sustainable Development under Global Shocks
Pavel Tcvetkov and Nikolay Didenko, editors
Polymer Membranes for Gas Separation
Elsa Lasseuguette and Bibiana Comesaña-Gándara, editors
Energy Security as a Key Driving Factor for Socioeconomic Development: From Mitigation to Solution
Barbara Pawlowska and Giuseppe T. Cirella, editors
Smart Cities and Positive Energy Districts: Urban Perspectives in 2020
Paola Clerici Maestosi (editor)
Sheona Shackleton et al. (editors)
Does Commons Grabbing Lead to Resilience Grabbing?
Tobias Haller et al. (editors)
Sustainable Development and Higher Education Institutions
Göran Finnveden et al.