keyword: Urban Governance – 19 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
Local Officials and the Struggle to Transform Cities
Claire Benit-Gbaffou (editor)
Die Rolle gemeinwohlorientierter Akteure zur Unterstützung gemeinschaftlicher Wohnprojekte in Berlin
Heike Hübinger and Leonie Laug
Maillages, interfaces, réseaux transfrontaliers, de nouveaux enjeux territoriaux de la santé
Moullé François and Bernard REITEL, editors
Enhancement of Public Real-estate Assets and Cultural Heritage
Lucia Della Spina and Francesco Calabrò, editors
Coming to Terms with Superdiversity: The Case of Rotterdam
Peter Scholten et al. (editors)
Innovation Capacity and the City: The Enabling Role of Design
Grazia Concilio and Ilaria Tosoni, editors