keyword: analytical hierarchy process – 8 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
Micro-Electro Discharge Machining: Principles, Recent Advancements and Applications, Volume II
Irene Fassi and Francesco Modica, editors
Natural and Technological Hazards in Urban Areas
George D. Bathrellos et al. (editors)
Energy Transition and Climate Change in Decision-making Processes
Georgios Tsantopoulos and Evangelia Karasmanaki, editors
Sustainable Geotechnics—Theory, Practice, and Applications
Slobodan B. Mickovski (editor)
Socio-Environmental Vulnerability Assessment for Sustainable Management
Szymon Szewrański and Jan K. Kazak, editors