keyword: autoencoder – 14 free books.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Based Methods and Applications
Adrian Sergiu Darabant and Diana-Laura Borza, editors
Smart IoT System for Renewable Energy Resource
Antonio Cano-Ortega and Francisco Sánchez-Sutil, editors
Advances of Future IoE Wireless Network Technology
Gwo-Jiun Horng et al. (editors)
Recent Advances in Underwater Signal Processing
Haixin Sun and Xuebo Zhang, editors
Advanced Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Remote Sensing
Gwanggil Jeon (editor)
Applied Mathematics to Mechanisms and Machines
Higinio Rubio Alonso et al. (editors)
Sensing and Signal Processing in Smart Healthcare
Wenbing Zhao and Srinivas Sampalli, editors
Machining Dynamics and Parameters Process Optimization
Gorka Urbicain and Daniel Olvera Trejo, editors
Optical Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring
Paulo Antunes and Humberto Varum, editors