keyword: contemporary art – 41 free books.
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L’odyssée de l’art néo-néo. Quand l’Antiquité grecque et romaine inspire l’art contemporain
Tiphaine Annabelle Besnard
Traversées. Limites, cheminements et créations en épigraphie
Vincent Debiais and Morgane Uberti, editors
Conservation of Contemporary Art
Renée van de Vall and Vivian van Saaze, editors
Francis Alÿs. The Nature of the Game
Gerard-Jan Claes and Stéphane Symons, editors
Spaces of Care - Confronting Colonial Afterlives in European Ethnographic Museums
Wayne Modest and Claudia Augustat, editors
Birth and Death: Studying Ritual, Embodied Practices and Spirituality at the Start and End of Life
Joanna Wojtkowiak and Brenda Mathijssen, editors