keyword: crystallinity – 20 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
Sustainable Biopolymer-Based Composites: Processing, Characterization, and Application
Raffaella Striani (editor)
Advances in Biocompatible and Biodegradable Polymers II
José Miguel Ferri et al. (editors)
Advance in Mechanical and Thermal Characterization of Polymer Composites
SD Jacob Muthu (editor)
Multifunctional Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications 2.0
Raghvendra Singh Yadav (editor)
High-Pressure Physical and Chemical Behaviors of Minerals and Rocks
Lidong Dai et al. (editors)
Advanced Polymer Simulation and Processing
Célio Pinto Fernandes et al. (editors)
Polylactide-Based Materials: Synthesis and Biomedical Applications
Marek Brzeziński and Małgorzata Baśko, editors
Mechanical Performance of Sustainable Bio-Based Compounds
Domenico Acierno and Antonella Patti, editors
Advanced Polymer Simulation and Processing
Célio Pinto Fernandes et al. (editors)
Bio-Based Materials: Contribution to Advancing Circular Economy
Maya Jacob John and Sabu Thomas, editors
Solid Dispersions for Drug Delivery
Vitaliy Khutoryanskiy and Hisham Al-Obaidi, editors
Efficient Technology for the Pretreatment of Biomass II
Ivet Ferrer et al. (editors)
Ion-Substituted Calcium Phosphates Coatings
Gabriela Graziani and Enrico Sassoni, editors
High-Efficiency Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells
Eun-Chel Cho and Hae-Seok Lee, editors