keyword: digital platforms – 16 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
Decidim, a Technopolitical Network for Participatory Democracy
Xabier E. Barandiaran et al.
Data Driven Decision-Making for Complex Production Systems
Zaoli Yang et al. (editors)
Insurtech, Proptech & Fintech Environment: Sustainability, Global Trends and Opportunities
Salvador Rambaud and Joaquín López Pascual, editors
Applied and Computational Mathematics for Digital Environments
Liliya Demidova (editor)
Collective Bargaining and the Gig Economy
José María Miranda Boto and Elisabeth Brameshuber, editors
Managing Water Resources in Large River Basins
William Young and Nagaraja Rao Harshadeep, editors
Transmedia literacy e intertextualidad
Edwin Andrés Sepúlveda Cardona and Carlos Suárez Quiceno
New Industry 4.0 Advances in Industrial IoT and Visual Computing for Manufacturing Processes
Luis Norberto López de Lacalle and Jorge Posada