keyword: dissociation – 8 free books.
These books are not included in Project Gutenberg.
Rui Fausto et al. (editors)
Michelle Bolduc and David A. Frank
Synthesis and Applications of Copper-Based Catalysts
Yongjun Ji et al. (editors)
Internet and Smartphone Use-Related Addiction Health Problems: Treatment, Education and Research
Olatz Lopez-Fernandez (editor)
Rehabilitation for Persistent Pain Across the Lifespan
Jo Nijs and Kelly Ickmans, editors
Eleventh International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications
James F. Babb and Nancy Brickhouse
Fragmentation in Sleep and Mind: Linking Dissociative Symptoms, Sleep, and Memory
Sue Llewellyn and Dalena van Heugten - van der Kloet