keyword: economics of industrial organisation – 45 free books.
These books are not included in Project Gutenberg.
Regional Policy in the Southern African Development Community
J. Ernst Drewes and Mariske van Aswegen, editors
Compliance and Initiative in the Production of Safety
Jean-Christophe Le Coze and Benoît Journé, editors
Econometric modeling of managerial decisions at the macro and micro levels
Oksana Chernega et al.
The Regulator–Regulatee Relationship in High-Hazard Industry Sectors
Jean-Christophe Le Coze and Benoît Journé
Digital Transformation in Smart Manufacturing
Antonella Petrillo et al. (editors)
Capitalismo distrettuale, localismi d'impresa, globalizzazione
Giuseppe Garofalo (editor)
La coscienza di luogo nel recente pensiero di Giacomo Becattini
Alberto Magnaghi and Marco Bellandi, editors