keyword: ecosystem – 21 free books.
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Insurtech, Proptech & Fintech Environment: Sustainability, Global Trends and Opportunities
Salvador Rambaud and Joaquín López Pascual, editors
Michael Wink (editor)
Chemical and Biological Threats, Hazard Potential and Countermeasures
Jan Korabecny and Ondrej Soukup, editors
Preserving Community Interests in Ocean Governance towards Sustainability
Keyuan Zou and Yen-Chiang Chang, editors
Natural Sciences in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
Ioannis Liritzis (editor)
Advances in Sustainable River Management
Andrzej Wałęga and Alban Kuriqi, editors
Sustainability of Rural Tourism and Promotion of Local Development
Antonietta Ivona (editor)
Managing Water Resources in Large River Basins
William Young and Nagaraja Rao Harshadeep, editors
Forest Pathology and Entomology
Salvatore Moricca and Tiziana Panzavolta, editors
Building and Delivering Sustainability Solutions: Insights, Methods, and Case-Studies
Nathaniel K. Newlands et al. (editors)
Impact of Agricultural Practices on Biodiversity of Soil Invertebrates
Stefano Bocchi and Francesca Orlando, editors
Integrative Research on Organic Matter Cycling Across Aquatic Gradients
Nicholas D. Ward et al.