keyword: edge computing – 20 free books.
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Artificial Neural Networks for IoT-Enabled Smart Applications
Andrei Velichko et al. (editors)
Advances of Future IoE Wireless Network Technology
Gwo-Jiun Horng et al. (editors)
Artificial Intelligence in Medical Image Processing and Segmentation
Paolo Zaffino and Maria Francesca Spadea, editors
Signatures of Maturity in Cryptocurrency Market
Stanisław Drożdż et al. (editors)
Wireless Sensing and Networking for the Internet of Things
Zihuai Lin and Wei Xiang, editors
Rashid Mehmood et al. (editors)
Recent Advances in Embedded Computing, Intelligence and Applications
Jorge Portilla et al. (editors)
Open Data and Models for Energy and Environment
Benedetto Nastasi et al. (editors)
Edge/Fog Computing Technologies for IoT Infrastructure
Seong-eun Yoo et al. (editors)
Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society
Sergio Saponara et al. (editors)
Optimization and Communication in UAV Networks
Nathalie Mitton and Christelle Caillouet, editors
Data Analytics and Applications of the Wearable Sensors in Healthcare
Shabbir Syed Abdul et al. (editors)