keyword: experiment – 54 free books.
Psychoneurobiology Research and Personalized Treatment of Schizophrenia
Tomiki Sumiyoshi (editor)
Advances in Design by Metallic Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, Simulation and Applications
Cristiano Fragassa et al. (editors)
Experimental, Numerical and Field Approaches to Scour Research
Yee-Meng Chiew et al. (editors)
Behavior of Metallic and Composite Structures (Second Volume)
Tomasz Sadowski and Holm Altenbach, editors
Applications of Finite Element Modeling for Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems
Marek Krawczuk and Magdalena Palacz, editors
Experimenting with Ethnography
Andrea Ballestero and Brit Ross Winthereik, editors
Lernen zwischen freiem und instruiertem Tätigsein
Elke Hildebrandt et al. (editors)
Schülerauslese, schulische Beurteilung und Schülertests 1880–1980
Sabine Reh et al. (editors)
Mathematical Models for the Design of Electrical Machines
Frédéric Dubas and Kamel Boughrara, editors