keyword: fake news – 30 free books.
State-Sponsored Disinformation Around the Globe
Martin Echeverría et al. (editors)
Application of Artificial Intelligence Methods in Processing of Emotions, Decisions and Opinions
Pawel Dybala et al. (editors)
State-Sponsored Disinformation Around the Globe
Martin Echeverría et al. (editors)
Rethinking Social Media and Extremism
Shirley Leitch and Paul Pickering, editors
›Fake News‹ in Literatur und Medien
Amelie Bendheim and Jennifer Pavlik, editors
Speak Up! - Zum Umgang mit Fake News und Hate Speech
Sabrina Kirschner and Tomke Lask, editors
Vertauen - ein riskantes Unterfangen?
Mathias Lindenau and Marcel Meier Kressig, editors
Research, Literacy, and Communication Education: New Challenges Facing Disinformation
Belén Puebla-Martínez et al. (editors)