keyword: gait analysis – 30 free books.
Outcome Measures and Innovative Approaches in Rehabilitation
Marco Tramontano and Giovanni Galeoto, editors
Wearable and Portable Devices in Sport Biomechanics and Training Science
Felipe García-Pinillos et al. (editors)
Sensor Systems for Gesture Recognition
Giovanni Saggio and Marco E. Benalcázar, editors
Wearable Sensors for Supporting Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Monitoring of Neurodegenerative Diseases
Gabriella Olmo et al. (editors)
Electromyography Signal Acquisition and Processing for Movement Analysis
Francesco Di Nardo et al. (editors)
Carmen Lacave and Ana Isabel Molina, editors
Musculoskeletal Research: Biomechanics and Biomaterials for the Treatment of Orthopedic Diseases
Frank Seehaus and Bastian Welke, editors
Intelligent Sensors for Human Motion Analysis
Tomasz Krzeszowski et al. (editors)
Wearables for Movement Analysis in Healthcare
Paolo Capodaglio and Veronica Cimolin, editors
Wearable and BAN Sensors for Physical Rehabilitation and eHealth Architectures
Maria de Fátima Domingues et al. (editors)
Digital innovation in Multiple Sclerosis Management
Tjalf Ziemssen and Rocco Haase, editors
Combining Sensors and Multibody Models for Applications in Vehicles, Machines, Robots and Humans
Javier Cuadrado and Miguel Naya, editors
Wearable Movement Sensors for Rehabilitation: From Technology to Clinical Practice
Gerard M Ribbers et al. (editors)
Circuits and Systems Advances in Near Threshold Computing
Sanghamitra Roy (editor)