keyword: gradient boosting – 12 free books.
These books are available in PDF format - good for desktops, printing.
Advanced Digital, Modeling and Control Applies into Various Processes
Rudolf Kawalla and Beloglazov Ilya, editors
Crops and Vegetation Monitoring with Remote/Proximal Sensing
Kenji Omasa et al. (editors)
Testing of Materials and Elements in Civil Engineering (2nd Edition)
Krzysztof Schabowicz (editor)
Testing of Materials and Elements in Civil Engineering (2nd Edition)
Krzysztof Schabowicz (editor)
Eugen Rusu and Gabriela Rapeanu, editors
Decision Support Tools for Water Quality Management
Nigel W.T. Quinn et al. (editors)
Sustainable Agricultural Engineering Technologies and Applications
Muhammad Sultan et al. (editors)
Recycled Materials in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Andrea Petrella and Michele Notarnicola, editors
Bioinformatics Applications Based On Machine Learning
Pablo Chamoso et al. (editors)