keyword: hierarchical cluster analysis – 9 free books.
Groundwater Chemistry and Quality in Coastal Aquifers
Guanxing Huang and Liangping Li, editors
Regional Development: Opportunities and Constraints
Katarína Vitálišová et al. (editors)
Fuzzy Sets in Business Management, Finance, and Economics, 2nd Edition
Jorge de Andres Sanchez and Laura González-Vila Puchades, editors
Plant Responses to Stress and Environmental Stimulus
Santiago Signorelli (editor)
Bank Management, Finance and Sustainability
David Aristei and Manuela Gallo, editors
Structural and Functional Analysis of Extracts in Plants
Stefania Lamponi (editor)
Market Design for a High-Renewables Electricity System
Wadim Strielkowski (editor)
Virus-Based Nanomaterials and Nanostructures
Dong-Wook Han and Jin-Woo Oh, editors