keyword: indoor air quality – 25 free books.
These books are available in PDF format - good for desktops, printing.
Air Quality Characterisation and Modelling
José Carlos Magalhães Pires and Álvaro Gómez-Losada, editors
Development and Application of Green or Sustainable Strategies in Analytical Chemistry
Attilio Naccarato (editor)
Indoor Environment Quality and Health in Energy-Efficient Buildings
Roberto Alonso González Lezcano (editor)
Energy Efficiency and Indoor Environment Quality
Roberto Alonso González Lezcano (editor)
Benedetto Nastasi and Francesco Mancini, editors
Sustainable Building and Indoor Air Quality
Roberto Alonso González Lezcano (editor)
Health Effects and Exposure Assessment to Bioaerosols in Indoor and Outdoor Environments
Ewa Brągoszewska (editor)
The Built Environment in a Changing Climate
Giulia Ulpiani and Michele Zinzi, editors
Indoor Air Quality: From Sampling to Risk Assessment in the Light of New Legislations
Pasquale Avino and Gaetano Settimo, editors
Low Energy Architecture and Low Carbon Cities
Francesco Pomponi and Bernardino D’Amico, editors