keyword: leaf area index – 24 free books.
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Methodologies Used in Remote Sensing Data Analysis and Remote Sensors for Precision Agriculture
Jiyul Chang and Sigfredo Fuentes, editors
Land Surface Monitoring Based on Satellite Imagery
Sara Venafra et al. (editors)
ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 Calibration, Validation, Science and Applications
Takeo Tadono and Masato Ohki, editors
Remote Sensing of Biophysical Parameters
Francisco Javier García-Haro et al. (editors)
Optimizing Plant Water Use Efficiency for a Sustainable Environment
Ivan Francisco Garcia Tejero and Victor Hugo Durán-Zuazo, editors
Productive and Ecological Aspects of Mixed Cropping System
Anna Wenda-Piesik and Agnieszka Synowiec, editors
Sigfredo Fuentes et al. (editors)
Applications of Remote Sensing Data in Mapping of Forest Growing Stock and Biomass
José Aranha (editor)
Herbaceous Field Crops Cultivation
Giovanni Mauromicale and Sara Lombardo, editors
Earth Observations for Addressing Global Challenges
Yuei-An Liou et al. (editors)
Emerging Sensor Technology in Agriculture
Sigfredo Fuentes and Carlos Poblete-Echeverria, editors
Short Rotation Woody Crop Production Systems for Ecosystem Services and Phytotechnologies
Ronald S. Zalesny Jr. et al.
Remote Sensing of Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Other Vegetation Parameters
Francisco Javier García-Haro et al.
Innovation Issues in Water, Agriculture and Food
Maria do Rosario Cameira and Luis Santos Pereira