keyword: legal framework – 9 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
Violences en ligne : décrypter les mécanismes du cyberharcèlement
Marlene Dulaurans
I contratti di lavoro flessibile negli ordinamenti italiano e brasiliano
Giuseppe Ludovico et al. (editors)
Contratos de trabalho flexível nos sistemas jurídicos italiano e brasileiro
Giuseppe Ludovico et al. (editors)
Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management: A Local Issue with Global Impacts
Hani Abu-Qdais and Anna Kurbatova, editors
Maciej J. Nowak et al. (editors)
Research and Development Progress in 3D Cadastral Systems
Efi Dimopoulou and Peter van Oosterom