keyword: mathematics education – 58 free books.
These books are available in PDF format - good for desktops, printing.
Early Geometrical Thinking in the Environment of Patterns, Mosaics and Isometries
Ewa Swoboda and Paola Vighi
Empirical Research in Statistics Education
Andreas Eichler and Lucía Zapata-Cardona
Interdisciplinary Mathematics Education: A State of the Art
Julian Williams et al.
Uses of Technology in Lower Secondary Mathematics Education: A Concise Topical Survey
Paul Drijvers et al.
History of Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Achievements, Problems, Prospects
Alexander Karp and Fulvia Furinghetti
Theories in and of Mathematics Education: Theory Strands in German Speaking Countries
Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs et al.
Design Science and Its Importance in the German Mathematics Educational Discussion
Marcus Nührenbörger et al.
Gilbert Greefrath and Katrin Vorhölter
Research On and Activities For Mathematically Gifted Students
Florence Mihaela Singer et al.
Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education: ICME-13
Gabriele Kaiser (editor)
Invited Lectures from the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education
Gabriele Kaiser et al. (editors)
The Mathematics Education of Prospective Secondary Teachers Around the World
Marilyn E. Strutchens et al.
Uses of Technology in Upper Secondary Mathematics Education
Stephen Hegedus et al.