keyword: regional development – 30 free books.
These books are not included in Project Gutenberg.
Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship in Social, Sustainable, and Economic Development
Sebastian Aparicio et al. (editors)
Geoheritage and Geotourism Resources
Nicoletta Santangelo and Ettore Valente, editors
Enhancement of Public Real-estate Assets and Cultural Heritage
Lucia Della Spina and Francesco Calabrò, editors
Indigenous Cultures and Sustainable Development in Latin America
Timothy MacNeill
People, Places and Policy : Knowing contemporary Wales through new localities, 1st Edition
Martin Jones et al. (editors)
Regional and Local Development in Times of Polarisation: Re-thinking Spatial Policies in Europe
Thilo Lang and Franziska Görmar, editors
Working, Housing: Urbanizing: The International Year of Global Understanding - IYGU
Jennifer Robinson et al.