keyword: seawater – 32 free books.
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Bionic Recognition and Biosensors: A Theme Issue in Honor of Professor Hong-Yuan Chen
Huangxian Ju and Jingjuan Xu, editors
Horticultural Plants Facing Stressful Conditions - Ways of Stress Mitigation
Agnieszka Hanaka et al. (editors)
Corrosion Resistance Enhancement of the Materials Surface
Costica Bejinariu and Nicanor Cimpoesu, editors
Plant Responses to Biotic and Abiotic Stresses: Crosstalk between Biochemistry and Ecophysiology
M. Iftikhar Hussain et al. (editors)
Eugen Rusu and Gabriela Rapeanu, editors
Advanced Engineering Cementitious Composites and Concrete Sustainability
Dumitru Doru Burduhos Nergis (editor)
Advances in Biocompatible and Biodegradable Polymers
José Miguel Ferri et al. (editors)
Impacts des produits phytopharmaceutiques sur la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques
Sophie Leenhardt et al. (editors)
Advances in Biocompatible and Biodegradable Polymers
José Miguel Ferri et al. (editors)
Advanced Polymer Simulation and Processing
Célio Pinto Fernandes et al. (editors)
Advanced Polymer Simulation and Processing
Célio Pinto Fernandes et al. (editors)
Philippe Refait and Igor Chaves, editors
Julian Scott Yeomans and Mariia Kozlova, editors
Nutra-Cosmeceuticals from Algae for Health and Wellness
María Lourdes Mourelle et al. (editors)
Current Advances and Challenges in Ocean Science—Feature Papers for the Founding of Oceans
Antonio Bode et al. (editors)
Nanotechnology for Environmental and Biomedical Research
Giada Frenzilli (editor)
Advances in Mineral Processing and Hydrometallurgy
Corby G. Anderson and Hao Cui, editors