keyword: similarity – 13 free books.
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: Exact Solutions, Symmetries, Methods, and Applications
Nikolai Kudryashov (editor)
Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing: Recent Applications
Kóczy László and István A. Harmati, editors
Entropy-Based Applications in Economics, Finance, and Management
Joanna Olbryś (editor)
Recent Developments on Protein–Ligand Interactions
Alexandre G. de Brevern (editor)
Artificial Neural Networks in Agriculture
Sebastian Kujawa and Gniewko Niedbała, editors
Statistical Data Modeling and Machine Learning with Applications
Snezhana Gocheva-Ilieva (editor)
Asthma in Children and Adults – What Are The Differences and What Can They Tell Us About Asthma?
Steve Turner and John W. Upham, editors
Industry 4.0 for SMEs - Smart Manufacturing and Logistics for SMEs
Erwin Rauch and Manuel Woschank, editors