keyword: smallholder farmers – 9 free books.
These books are available in PDF format - good for desktops, printing.
Sustainable Agriculture: Theories, Methods, Practices and Policies
Moucheng Liu et al. (editors)
Application of Genetics and Genomics in Livestock Production
Heather Burrow and Michael Goddard, editors
Systematic Approach to Agroforestry Policies and Practices in Asia
Mi Sun Park and Himlal Baral, editors
Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Water Quantity and Quality at Small Scale Watersheds
Ying Ouyang et al. (editors)
Productive and Ecological Aspects of Mixed Cropping System
Anna Wenda-Piesik and Agnieszka Synowiec, editors
Risk-Informed Sustainable Development in the Rural Tropics
Maurizio Tiepolo et al. (editors)
Sustainable Agriculture for Climate Change Adaptation
Kathy Lewis and Douglas Warner, editors