keyword: sustainable transport – 15 free books.
These books are not included in Project Gutenberg.
Regional Development: Opportunities and Constraints
Katarína Vitálišová et al. (editors)
Current Issues in Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
George Halkos (editor)
Economic and Social Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Energy Sector
Tomasz Rokicki et al. (editors)
Elżbieta Macioszek et al. (editors)
Toward Sustainability: Bike-Sharing Systems Design, Simulation and Management
Leonardo Caggiani and Rosalia Camporeale, editors
Francisco Manzano Agugliaro and Alberto Jesús Perea Moreno, editors
Environmental Energy Sustainability at Universities
Francisco G. Montoya and Alberto Jesús Perea Moreno, editors
Planning, Development and Management of Sustainable Cities
Tan Yigitcanlar and Md. (Liton) Kamruzzaman